To serve you as a practicable example, you could opportunely decide to look at a few first wave instances of cloud/web/mobile startups which have scored a great hit by performing that wonder. Some eminent names amongst this impressive list go on to include: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WordPress, Pandora, Zynga, Instagram and, while naming just a few. It could well be your move now!
While several easily accessible online training courses, conducted on an international scale, normally tend to delve into less useful lengthy details regarding how best to build your own business startups, many of these simply deal with various processes involved in carrying out a search for and validating a number of different favored business models. In the process, most may conveniently forget to provide you with a credible hint about developing or creating a real scheme for your startups. Is it then a surprise when a student, who just finished attending a few of these training courses, should bravely venture to inquire as to how a hint or an idea may thus derivate for a potential billion dollar venture.
It may be safely presumed that a specified product or service can be said to generally fit into one of two possible categories. Would using a fancy name for your product or service, in the form of a value proposition, really constitute a useful need or help in resolving some issues? Understandably, the question after that would certainly need to be whether that value proposition adequately fulfills an essential social need like religion, sex, confession, friendship, communication, networking, gambling, entertainment, dating, art, blogging, among many similar others. As an alternate, is it perhaps helpful in resolving issues and getting some essential tasks effectively accomplished for businesses or prospective consumers? Such issues may possibly comprise software, emails, tablet computers, airplanes, electric toothbrushes, electricity, elevators, air conditioning, accounting software, among other general concerns.
Religion, sex, confession, friendship, communication, networking, gambling, art, entertainment, dating, blogging, including other such needs, are essentially all burning human urges. Would our heart maintain its rhythm or our lungs sustain breathing in their absence? Well, as a matter of fact, they both surprisingly would do that. Yet, these very things or acts on our part help in determining our human element. In fact, our psyches are hard-wired to these. Countless millenniums have gone by since man continued to live the way it is still done today.
As a paradox, emergence of today's modern digital world succeeds only in making mankind a degree more efficient, yet leaving us with scant time for face-to-face human interaction. Nonetheless, it is this interaction that basically determines our character as human beings. Our prime social needs can only be accomplished by way of our face-to-face interactions with others. These are however being now gradually pushed into an ever expanding world of global online relationships. The encompassing market size for these varied applications equals the entire human race. See the potential now?
As such, today's prevailing applications commonly include:
· Facebook is structured to take your friendship need, by endeavoring its reconstruction via online connectivity
· Twitter facilitates your communication and sharing in real time
· helps search out your spouse or a special someone
Value propositions commonly comprise two distinct types: they either help to fulfill a social need or help resolve specific issues. A plain formula runs: convert social needs into bytes and you will have your business startups all ready to go.
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Chukwuemeka Fred Agbata Jnr. is a Digital media consultant providing top quality SEO in Nigeria and social media marketing services.
Also, a Small business coach and Internet marketing company founder helping business owners succeed by leveraging the Internet and technology.