If You're Looking To Find A Simple And Successful Facebook Marketing Business Model, Look No Further.

By Jashua Moses

This overall business plan is simple and straightforward and it utilizes three simple things: A Facebook Ad, Facebook Fan Page and your very own website. Here is how the marketing process will look: Paid Ad (this draws in the customers) Fan Page, Site and lastly, Newsletter

With this business model you select a niche with a potentially large audience, such as women's fashion, weight loss or going green. Then you create a website and Facebook fan page for that niche.

With the website you'll have fascinating content in the selected niche. It should include original content, short blog postings to link back (back links) to the original articles (this is called the curating content) and then you'll wish to make your site the expert go to site for what ever is going on in your specific niche. You'll create a Facebook Ad "Like" campaign in order to gain likes. Your fan page will become the go to source on Facebook. You can target people who share a similar interest in your niche topic on your fan page.

Make sure that you share information that is useful to others each and every day. You will want to include pictures or images that are relevant to the specific content in your niche as well. Images can say a thousand words and draw in readers. This will help to bring your fan page more traffic and in turn more likes or fans.

Your email list will be an important way to keep in touch with your visitors and guests. You'll be sending out three to five emails each and every week to drive people to the new information that you post on your site daily or weekly.

A great example of this is The Mind Unleashed site. It has a corresponding Facebook page named Themindunleashed. Here they have nearly 6.5 million fans and they use this to drive the traffic to their website where they have cleverly posted some Google Ads to help monetize their site. Let's take a look at how this works. If just one percent of their fans will visit the website each day, there are still nearly 65,000 visits per day on their website. It is a clever and simple method to rinse and repeat for more visitors.

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