Guide To Fire Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculations

By Young Lindsay

Automatic sprinklers are a part fire extinguishing systems. Usually part of a fire protection system based on a water reservoir for the supply system and a network of pipes which are terminal elements. They usually are activated by detecting the effects of a fire since the temperature rise associated with fire, or smoke is generated by combustion (fire sprinkler hydraulic calculations).

In 1902 Frederick Grinnell patented the design Grinel alarm check valve. Water system Grinnell. A - short tube diameter of half an inch, screwed into a water pipe and closes flat bottom valve b; valve lever is held and backup c d. Backup d attached to the copper arc e apparatus with a weak solder which melts at a temperature of 73 degrees C.

It consists of a thermo-sensitive element that is designed to destroy at predetermined temperatures, automatically causing the release of plug and the outlet of a water spray, which should extinguish the flame right in area where it has started. This device can be of two types: side of a disassembled sprayer without bulb or fuse Vista.

Hence the name sprayed, which varies depending on the application that you want to give the system sprinkler. The most common use of these sprinkler-systems is the cooling of walls of a storage tank of flammable liquids because they are easier and less costly to maintain than a system of sprinklers, which moreover do not correspond to a pattern of dispersal water required by such facilities.

Sprinkler is a component of fire-fighting system, irrigation head mounted in sprinkler installation (network of water pipes, which is always water or air under pressure). The spray outlet closed heat or thermo-sensitive bulb lock having a temperature of up to 343 degrees C. Upon reaching room temperature a certain value, locking the system soldered or bursts flask, and water begins to irrigate the protected zone. The disadvantage of such a system is relatively large inertia - head opened after about 2-3 minutes after the temperature rise.

According to statistics in case of activated fire sprinkler-systems 40% of the time the fire was extinguished by sprinklers, 80% of flames is extinguished when triggered no more than 10 sprinklers. On this basis, taking into account the area, protected by a single sprinkler (12 square meters is determined by the area, which is needed to irrigate the maximum flow of water sprinkler-system. For the first group space area is 120 square meters.

In protected space stretching combustible cord, which when blown open locks that hold the valve, the valve is released and the water flowed to a sprinkler. The device consisted of a cylindrical sealed tanks of about 95 tys.litrov system and 10-inch (250 mm) of the distribution of the aqueduct, covering all parts of the theater. Series of pipes of smaller diameter departed from the distribution pipes and were imbued with a number of half an inch (13 mm) holes through which poured water in case of fire. But the system was not automatic.

Triggered sprinkler repair and re-use are not subject. They must be replaced with new sprinklers. Temperature rating of sprinklers can be identified by the color of bulb. Before replacing the installed sprinkler-fire extinguishing system must be disconnected completely relieve pressure in piping, drain systems for wet or dry pipe bled for. Followed to dismantle the old sprinklers and install a new one, making sure that its design, temperature and operating time correspond to those indicated in project. After replacing the sprinklers should be installed fire-extinguishing system in standby mode.

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