OK here it is... the secret to success in anything you do... is to learn to "fish". Keep reading and I will explain what I mean...
The secret to success comes down to just a couple simple things.
1. Have a VISION. If you know exactly where you want to end up, you can create a clear plan of action to achieve it. Too often, people start something with the intention of making money and then they struggle to achieve it because they lack meaning in their venture. Humans are driven by purpose and meaning, and if you have those in your life, you can achieve anything. Your VISION needs to be meaningful to you, beyond money. When you have a clear vision of what you want, and you simply take small actions every day towards it, you will succeed because your subconscious mind WANTS you to. If you don't have a strong, clear vision for your life, every day will be random, and you will lack direction. The first secret to success is to know what you want.
Tip: Once you create your vision, don't let ANYTHING distract you. Ask yourself "Will this get me closer to my vision?" in all you do. Life is FUN when you know where you are going.
2. Get started. Seems pretty obvious, but many times, people want to 'think about it' or do more research. They worry they might fail. Well, let me tell you... the only way to fail is to not try. If you have a Vision that is meaningful to you, then all you need is a plan of action to get it rolling. And the very first action step is always to get started. Ask yourself if what you are thinking of starting will help you achieve your dreams. Once you make the decision to START, you will be free to succeed and can push that yucky feeling of 'indecision' aside forever. Indecision kills dreams. You can only succeed in the things you start. So the second secret to success is to get started. Do it now.
3. Do a little every day. A little every day is much more powerful than a lot one day and nothing for a week. Just be consistent. And if your vision is strong enough, you will LOOK FORWARD to taking action every day. You will wake with purpose. In fact, you will thrive on the feeling of purpose within you. Life will be fun because what you are doing is meaningful.
Did you know that the 4 basic needs of humans are to LIVE, LOVE, LEARN, and LEAVE A LEGACY?
Creating and achieving your vision means creating a legacy.
My VISION is to be able to work from anywhere, and teach my kids to do the same. What better legacy to leave my kids than to leave them with the gift of independence and the ability to do whatever they want in life.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will never go hungry. My Vision is to teach my kids to "fish".
So whether you are wanting to get fit, build a successful online business, or anything else in life... just start now. Start today. And never give up on your dreams.
Rebecca is a work from anywhere mom who tried a lot of different things online before she really learned to fish properly. Visit her at http://www.workfromanywherefamily.com/ to see her secret fishing hole.