Start to make money online right. Does it mean to start making money online right away? NO. There are actually a few things that you really need to do well before you start to make the move to make money online.
First and foremost, there has to be a deep seeded need to want to change something in your life. You might be sick and tired of what you are going through right now. You might want something more in life. You might want to give more to your family, to the society that you are in and the rest of the world in general.
Whatever the reason might be, there need to be a purpose for the money that you are going to try and make online. Without this purpose, you will easily get distracted by some other job openings that come along the way.
So to start right, you need to get your heart right. You need to start to want it to happen. You need to start to learn how to do it and you need to quickly learn how to do it. Be open to possibilities that you have never heard of before. I have been collecting reports on how to make money online for years. I now have more than ten thousand items in my external drive. Thought I would have seen it all? No, just a few ago, I came across a business angle that I have never thought of, although thinking back; I have actually seen people use it many time to make money. More on how it works some other time.
Now that you have your heart set to move forward, you will need to decide what you actually want to do when you come online. I jumped into the online business the moment I heard it and got wacked in the face when I see how lost I got when I start to dig deeper into this iceberg.
Imagine this, day one, I read that I can actually start a business online and quit my full time job. But being a ted bit cautious, I decided to do this on the side while still keeping my regular job.
Bought a guide to making money online. Started it and stopped at keyword research feeling that it is too hard and didn't really do anything with it for the next ten years and ten thousand items in the external drive later, I decide to move. And as I move, I realized that I have no idea what I want to sell to make money.
Do I become a middle man and sell someone else's product for a commission? Do I research a specific topic, become expert in it and provide the service for a fee? Do I gather information about a topic, compile it and sell the report for money as an information monger? The choice are plentiful and the process are slightly different for each type of business plan.
So, the question here is, what do you want your legacy to be at the end of the day? What do you want to be known as to the massive amount of people who are coming online each and every day? Do you want to be an information monger, an affiliate marketer, a SEO expert, a social media manager, what do you want to be?
Think this through, long and hard. Once you make your choice, put that down in writing and put it in a place that you will see each and every day to constantly remind yourself of the choice that you have made.
Now that you have made your choice, you will need to formulate some plan. Starting a new project without a plan will get you nowhere any time soon. Plan to fail or fail to plan, both will end in the same useless bin. And then it is time to take action, action to learn, action to market and action to help.
Learning is a must, as the internet is ever changing and new things and strategies are being developed daily. If you are not keeping up, you will be washed away very quickly. If you are not marketing you, your product or service, who will know that it exist? Last but not least, go out with the mind to help. Note that I use the word help, nobody likes to be sold, but people will buy when they see value and that the product or service is going to help in or with a problem that they are currently facing. So, go out and offer solution to a problem. Offer to help someone with their problem and let him tell all his friends about you, your product or service. That, in my opinion, is by far the best way forward in any business.
So, set your hearts right, make your choice/s and take massive action. That I hope will have given you some useful insights to start your journey to something bigger then what you are and have today.
Paul Cheong
Who am I? I am Paul Cheong. But who am I really? Just a bum who has been sitting on a ton of information that need to be sorted out and distributed to people to help solve problem/s that they may be facing. Making money along the way would be excellent. It will give me the motivation to share.